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黑石财团 (Blackstone Group)Sansheng Consulting



企业全称:Blackstone Group


英文名称:Blackstone Group

网    址:http://www.blackstone.com




投资领域:化工产业 房地产业 家电行业 



联 系 人:

联系电话:852-3656 8600

传    真:852-3656 8601


通讯地址:2012-2014, 20/F No. 1 Harbour View Street Central, Hong Kong



In 1985 Blackstone opened its first small office with a staff of four,including the two founders Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman and a balance sheet of $400,000. From those small beginnings,besides big dreams,the founders held certain core beliefs:In a world of giant organizations with a broad array of services, there was room for a small firm with the highest levels of professionalism and integrity,and senior-level attention to clients and relationships In the 1980s world of "bear hugs" and more or less hostile takeovers,the firm would only invest capital in strictly friendly situations,supporting strong management teams In a world of ever larger firms,there were gifted,entrepreneurial professionals who,in a more personal setting,with institutional credibility and congruent goals,would join Blackstone in creating affiliated businesses in their areas of expertise In a world of "other people's money",the firm would always put significant amounts of its own money in investments it made In a world rife with conflicts of interest,there was a need for a firm that was able to provide entirely objective advice and counsel without any pressure from alternative agendas The Blackstone team's success in pursuing those goals and beliefs is reflected today in the firm's outstanding reputation and its acknowledged role as a major global player. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit our web site. The material contained here is best read as an invitation to explore what The Blackstone Group can do for you and what we can do together. We hope you will review it in that spirit. 

The selected transactions highlighted throughout the web site represent only a part of Blackstone's entire holdings. The discussion of these selected transactions is not intended as,and should not be construed as,investment advice or a recommendation to purchase or sell a particular security.

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